Power of Ten
2018 marks the 10th year of Youth FX and we want to celebrate by highlighting our incredible accomplishments and growth and look to the future of incredible possibilities!
For the next 10 months, we plan to curate 10 "pop-up" events to expand our audience, engage with the community in new ways and raise $100,000–to take our organization to the next level–by the end of 2018.
Each month, we will be showcasing our amazing staff and creative team with a short profile video of each one of them. All ten of them are graduates of the Youth FX.
In 10 years
Youth FX Has...
Youth FX's
10th Anniversary.
Launched Rogue FX, a production company powered by YFX Alumns.
Launched the PA Institute.
"The Altimate" Best Arts Non-Profit in the Capital Region by The Alt Weekly.
Created the
NeXt Doc Fellows Program.
Created our Thesis Film program for alums of our Youth FX programs.
Impacted over 7500 young people ages 10-25 years old from the capital region and beyond!
Had 9 Successful Summer Film Making Intensives.
Moved into brand new production-studio in the heart of Albany, NY.
the world premiere of Sundance Special Jury Prize winning
'As You Are'