Youth FX Summer Concludes With A Week Of Production

The final week of YouthFX, popularly called “YouthFX for the love of it!” tends to be the most grueling of the summer. For week six this year we had a full schedule, five straight days of shooting. The two films that were in production this week were: Eliza (written by Williemae Fiddemon) about a teenage girl who sets off to find out why her best friend disappeared, and an untitled film (written & directed by Ejaniia Clayton & Camille Dobbs) about three young black women who find themselves victims of racial profiling after a end of summer night out.

Our first day of shooting in week six featured the biggest YouthFX shoot ever at Rocks nightclub in Albany. The shoot involved a crew of over 30 people including extras used to make the club feel packed for the scene. This shoot continued this summer’s trend of utilizing new crew positions such as Assistant Cinematographer, Assistant Director, Production Assistant and Grips. Another big shift this summer was the variety of locations we used on our shoots and this was no better showcased by week six’s shoots. This week featured seven separate locations all over Albany.

Overall the YouthFX Summer program continued it’s exponential growth and expansion this summer. We did more than we’ve ever done, on a bigger scale with the promise of increased quality all around. Without a doubt this was our most successful year and if that alone dosen’t make you excited to see what was produced this year, just stay tuned for our monthly winter production updates that will be starting in October.